Skull tattoos might be the most popular tattoo in the entire body modification industry. Based on ancient skull mythology and modern hip death chic, they offer the prospective tat customer a cool-looking tattoo that can be done in a limitless amount of styles.
It’s reported that the human skull is the single most tattooed image in the entire world. The link between death and tattoos goes back a hundred years and skull tattoos carry on this tradition in bold and innovative ways. Though the image of the human skill instantly `connotes death, it is actually its reputation as a symbol for rebirth, and the ability to conquer and face death, that has made them a popular icon for secret societies, pirates, biker gangs, and disillusioned suburban teenagers for the past hundred years.
Skull tattoos range from the weird to the whimsical. Many tattoo artists love them doing them, and no tattoo parlor portfolio is complete without a healthy amount of tattoos of skulls. There are the traditional old-school tats with crossbones and flames, but there are also newer versions such as tribal skull tattoos—which borrow the tribal style’s reliance on emotive black lines to create a modern look.
Skull tattoos aren’t just for people who want gruesome images that make them look like pirates. Some of the more interesting variations are actually religious in nature. Many Christians believe that the skull represents a belief in an eternal soul, and these tats represent a great way to declare their faith in a new and radical way.
Tats of this kind come in all shapes and sizes—it’s important that you take the time to look through a bunch of examples, (magazines, portfolios, and the internet are great places to start,) and find the exact one you want. Your tattoo artist can help you modify and even blend with many different styles to create the exact skull tattoo that you desire.

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